Women Empowering Women with Rethreaded - Women's History Month
Celebrating Women's History Month with the BOSS BABES at Rethreaded
This month we celebrate all the fearless females that aren't afraid to live their best lives, be who they want to be, wear what they want to wear, say what they want to say, and inspire all the women in their tribes to live out loud, be wild when needed, and not scared of working a little crazy into their lives.
Are You Ready for It?
Taylor Swift lyric aside...I don't think you're ready for it...
Jacksonville Babes, it's time to celebrate the powerful women that help make our city one of the best places to live in America. And there is not better month to write about #WomenSupportingWomen than in March, when we celebrate #InternationalWomensDay and Women's History Month. A day and month where we highlight, celebrate, and honor ALL women, but especially women helping to empower those who need it most.
If you're a regular reader of #TheBorrowedBlog, you know normally I write with a ton of sarcasm, humor, and GIF based fashion shenanigans but today I am tackling a more serious topic and a non-profit that is near and dear my Jacksonville loving heart, Rethreaded.
I'm going to share with you why Rethreaded is the ULTIMATE BORROWED BABE and how you can support their mission with your love of fashion.
Who is Rethreaded?
Rethreaded was founded by local powerhouse babe, Kristin Keen. Kristin has an amazing back story and if you ever get a chance to meet her IRL, you'll be fascinated with her WHY and sit in awe as you think about how you binge watched Netflix again last night while she was out basically saving lives. (Yeah, what are you doing with your free time? :-))
Her mission is simple, though. She saw a need in our area (Yes...many of the survivors of trafficking that work at Rethreaded were rescued from Jacksonville.) and because she has a unique background from her time in India (if you want her full story, click the hyperlink in her name above to visit their website) she knew that IF she could provide a safe, supportive work environment she could potentially help survivors recover and help them earn a living in the process.
So Kristen partnered with City Rescue Mission, hired an employee, kicked ass at OneSpark and the rest is history. She has since helped sustain the freedom of over 2200 women WORLDWIDE. #BOSSBABE
To learn more about Rethreaded and read the entire back story of this amazing organization, you can visit their website by clicking here.
Or watch this moving video below. (Video courtesy of Rethreaded's website and copied via their You Tube page.)
What does Rethreaded Do?
Rethreaded's main goal is to assist in the outreach, rescue, and recovery of human trafficking survivors.
Human trafficking is not a subject I knew much about prior to learning about it through Rethreaded, but the numbers are astounding. Click here to learn more about this issue from Rethreaded's blog.
About a year ago I had the pleasure of touring the Rethreaded facility. I learned about the donation process (which is what makes them the ULTIMATE BORROWED BABE...much of what they use to produce their products come from donations from people like me and you and companies like the ones you all work for), how they make their signature scarves, and I was able to spend time in their office learning what is it like to be a part of their supportive, inspirational team. I'm sharing with you, my understanding based on my experiences in that tour, and from attending an informational session with one of their corporate partners in Jacksonville, word of mouth from some of their FANTASTIC Board Members (remember they are a LEGIT 501(c)3 non-profit organization), and now of course, my partnership with them here on #TheBorrowedBlog. (FYI - PLEASE LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS WONDERFUL GROUP OF WOMEN by visiting their website to read the full story.)
Although scarves are not the only thing they produce, the Grace scarf is how I first learned about Rethreaded. The pic below is me and my BFF from a Jaguars game (before they crushed it in 2018) and she is rocking her Grace scarf for the first time. (Trust me...we had several text and picture exchanges prior to the game trying to figure out how she would tie it. ;-)) This was the very first time I ever saw a Rethreaded scarf in person and this picture is from almost 3.5 year ago. She received her scarf as a gift from her husband and she didn't know much about it, but she did say she knew it came from a local business helping women and survivors turn their lives around. I let Google do the rest for me. As we sat there at the game, we were looking up information on who Rethreaded is, what they do, and how we could help. (We also drank wine and contemplated ways we could save the world...but purchasing the scarves seemed to be enough for us at the moment. Kristin and her team seem far more organized and equipped for such lifesaving activities.)
Where is Rethreaded Located?
Rethreaded has an amazing shop in Jacksonville where you can shop all their unique items and gift ideas in person. TRUST ME. You need to check it out. Although their site is easy to shop and has gorgeous photos, this is one of those places you just need to see with your own eyes. To visit them while in Jacksonville, just plug this address into your GPS.
820 Barnett Street
Jacksonville, FL 32209
Phone: 904.428.8109
If you're looking to talk with Rethreaded about a special event, drop them an email. (Side Note: I've been fortunate enough to attend a handful of special events in Rethreaded facility and it's a unique space. They are open to all sorts of ideas for potential events and partnerships so if you're looking for a great meet up with a cause make sure to reach out to their team.)
When Can You Shop Rethreaded Fashions?
At location listed above Monday - Friday from 9am to 5pm. (They also have the occasional pop up shop at events so be sure to follow them on IG @rethreadedinc to stay up to date on their current location and up to the moment info on where you can find them.) Or shop online 24/7/365. To shop all their fabulous fashions, accessories, and home goods online, click here.
How Can You Support Rethreaded?
For some of you, maybe fashion isn't your thing but philanthropy is. Don't worry. Rethreaded has options for you too. It's called VOLUNTEERING. Maybe you've heard of it? ;-)
Every second Thursday of the month they host Volunteer Thursday to help with tons of tasks around the building. Tasks range from anything like tagging merch, stocking inventory, and helping in the retail store. Click here to learn more or to sign up today!
Styling Rethreaded Scarves
For this post, I was honored to have been gifted the February Scarf of the Month, the Rethreaded Raspberry grace scarf. (CUE THE PRINCE MUSIC!)
It is such a lovely shade of exactly what it's name implies...raspberry. It's not too pink, not too purple...It's just right.
The great thing about scarves and accessories from Rethreaded is that they are versatile, easy to care for, and amazing easily to style. I've obviously been styling mine with all cold weather gear up here in Newport, but I have another post showing you how to style it in a few more dressy and warm weather styles coming next week.

The Inside Scoop on Rethreaded
I may not be as well versed on all things Rethreaded but I AM WELL VERSED IN SHOPPING THEIR PRODUCTS. Below are some of my favorite ways, based on your own hustle and flow that you can support the babes over at Rethreaded.
For My Ultimate BOSS Babes - aka those holding down a 9 to 5 corporate gig:
The Rethreaded Corporate Gifting Program
Are you always the office go-getter tasked with planning parties, finding corporate gifts, or just looking for ways for your company to feel better about how they spend their dolla dolla bills? If so, you need to check out their Corporate Gifting Program. They have tons of unique items ranging from coffee, to golf accessories, and travel tags.
For my WANDERLUST Babes - aka those with their dreams and their booties in the air more than the ground:
Rethreaded x Southwest Collection
If you're a rapid rewards junkie like I am these days, this collection is for you. Southwest donated leather from their old seats and Rethreaded did what they do best. They re-purposed it into amazing accessories you can wear. I tell you, before this was announced in Jacksonville, and by before I believe it was the morning of the day it ran in the news in Jacksonville, I hopped a flight to Jax from here in Newport. OF COURSE I FLEW SOUTHWEST...and although it was early I open the new edition of the Southwest magazine and RIGHT THERE WAS RETHREADED. I felt like Burt Reynolds or someone super cool since I heard it before it hit the news...but also it was 5am and I think it ran on the 6am news so it's not as if I was on some inside news circle. (But if anyone is and wants to include me...LET. ME. IN.)
For my BABES with Significant Others Who Forget Important Things ALL THE DANG TIME:
Guilt Gifting with Rethreaded
Have you heard of this trend? If you haven't you need to let your other half know this trend is a new thing in 2018 and IT. IS. KICKING. Seriously, I work for a company that specializes in women's fashions and we have so many new customers this year thanks to this trend. (Think mostly men's stores that are now carrying women's clothing for the sheer fact that men are buying to make up for their fun days out or over spending on the golf course. SERIOUSLY. MIND BLOWN.) It's mostly men buying for women, but it can go both ways. I travel A LOT for work so I suffer from the urge to guilt gift to make up for my absence. I mostly guilt gift to myself...but that's an entirely separate issue that has nothing to do with Rethreaded. So ladies and gents...next time you feel guilty and want to buy your SO a gift, don't go the usual route like flowers or some run of the mill piece of jewelry.
Honestly, in the name of trends and guilt gifting buying from a non-profit that helps others has to earn you double. And if anyone tells you it doesn't just know THEY ARE A DANG LIAR. :-) I'm leaving you some links of my favorite picks below, so check those out if you're feeling guilty about anything. Anything at all. But if the guilt is something really juicy, you should post anonymously in the comments and allow the readers to help you purchase a variety of goods from Rethreaded. ;-)
For my EXTRA Babes Who Are Always Looking for a Reason to Dress Up:
The Annual Mukti Ball
THIS EVENT IS A CAN'T MISS. Unless you're me and not living in Jax full time right now. (Life? Amiright?!) I had to miss this uplifting and exciting event this past weekend. (Insert sad emoji face here.) However, some of my best blogging babes were able to attend. For pics of the amazing event held at The Glass Factory, check out my BABE Katrice's post on her website High Heel and Good Meals. CLICK HERE.
And finally...for my HIGH ROLLING Babes- aka those who just want to donate cold, hard cash to the cause. This one is super easy. Click here and donate today. EASY AS SWIPING THAT CARD ONLINE AND BUYING SOMETHING...but this time you know your money is going to a worthy cause. (Not that your closet isn't, honey, but you know there is a time to put others before your shoe obsession...this is one of those times.)
Shop Rethreaded
They make so many items for every style and taste. If you aren't into scarves and accessories they also have home goods. AND MY FAVORITE THING THEY MAKE...dog toys. Technically they are classified as dog and cat toys but we all know I'm a dog person. OSO LOVES HIS RETHREADED DOG TOY. #GoGators
My Rethreaded Picks
Below, I'm sharing my favorite items from each category. If you don't live in Jacksonville and can't make it to their facility to shop in person, you may order online via links included below. HOWEVER...if you live in Jacksonville or are planning to visit Jacksonville in the near future you must include their store on your shopping trip.

Scarves | Here
Jewelry | Here
Bags | Here
House & Home | Here
Gifts | Here
Rethreaded x Southwest | Here
So support Rethreaded and their cause, not just because in March we celebrate International Women's Day and Women's History Month, but because for once your shopping IS ACTUALLY MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF OTHERS.
UPDATED - March 16, 2018: We're thrilled this Rethreaded post was included by our friends over at Independent Fashion Bloggers Links Γ‘ la Mode for March 15th! Make sure to check out all the other amazing posts featured as well.
- Aesthetic Distance: The Killing Of The Creative Class: Was I Wrong About The Gig Economy?
- A Girl in LA: My Trip Abroad: Exploring London, Paris and Copenhagen
- A Housewife in Heels: Floral Maxi
- Chicago Petite Blog: The Perfect Early Spring Outfit + My Favorite Finds Under $100
- Elle is for She: Elleβs Look : One in a Million
- Fashion to Live: Gasparilla Festival of the Arts & Brunch
- Five Foot Nothing Shopping: Ruffles in Spring
- Girl in Betsey: 4 Ways to Keep Your Dog Active in the Winter
- Gutterfashion: Thrifted: Let's Never Give Up
- Have Clothes, Will Travel: Machu Picchu Fun Facts + Photo Gallery
- Jeff on the Road: Lookbook: Chicago On The Go
- Lady Goodman: Miista SS18|En Pleno Aire
- Looks by MC: Spring Forward 2018 || Create Your Life
- Love Bella Vida: Style Tips On-The-Go
- Mahryska: Field of Dreams
- Mode and Methodology: Dealing with the Weird Weather
- Online Personal Stylist: Perfecting the Modern Day Holly Golightly Inspired Look
- Petite Dressing: How to Wear Maxi Dresses if You are Petite
- Sifa's Corner: Loving Currently: Sweetie Silver Charm Bracelet from Links of London
- Tales of Two Blog: Guide: Fail-Proof Shopping from Asian E-Retailers
- The Borrowed Babes: Women Empowering Women with Rethreaded - Women's History Month 2018
SPONSOR: Amazon's Shopbop,
Elizabeth and James, Soludos Sneakers, Eugenia Kim Accessories, Hysteria, Moschino Eyewear, KatKim, Slingback Pumps, Fanny Packs, Floral Dresses, Men's A.P.C.

Snag some LIVELY Swag for St. Patrick's Day Weekend