Babes on Babecast - An Inside Look at the Babecast Podcast Recording
Babes on Babecast Podcast
I'm With the DJ...
Click Here to Listen to the BABECAST Podcast on iTunes
Click Here to Listen to the BABECAST Podcast Online
Click Here to Listen to Meghan and Arielle's Bachelor Theme Podcast, The Bach Cast, on iTunes
Anyone remember that old school song DJ Girl, by random one hit wonder artist Katalina? (When music was so bad it was good...) Not that the lyrics are really applicable to this scenario but in reality my babe, Meghan is a Radio Personality. Radio Talent. Old school job title...Radio Disc Jockey, call her DJ (not Tanner) for short. So yeah, I kept singing that song in my head and laughing while planning the podcast recording with her. BUT also FANGIRLING her so hard. Because little known fact about me...when I was a kid I wanted to be on the radio. Like my BFF Elvis Duran. (Elvis, I now have experience sitting in a studio and letting someone push buttons for me for basically we are the same. Call me.)
Why Did They Let Me On the Babecast Show?
See what had happened was...When you click below to listen to the actual Babecast podcast you'll hear that I have a real knack for weaseling my way into things I shouldn't be a part of. (Bonus points for using the word weasel on a fashion blog.) The Babecast podcast was no different.
As an avid listener of way too many podcasts, I came across Meghan's podcast BABECAST like I do many others, Instagram. She was this elusive radio babe that seemed to know many of the same BOSS BABES OF JAX that I know, yet I had never met her. So I did what any savvy social stalker does, slid into that girls DM. (I wasn't creepy...slow your role.)
Dogs + Wine = Instant BFFs
I was hosting a Happy Hour in Jacksonville for some blogger babes from Style Collective, (see that post here) and extended the invite to her because HI! She's a Boss and I wanted to meet her. So this is where the DM worked in my favor, because I just hit her and she responded in a normal, not too cool but not too needy amount of time. :-) Luckily for me, I somehow worked the phrase "Drinking with my Dog" onto the invite and although she wasn't able to make it she knew we right away that we were quirky, kindred dog and wine loving spirits.
Fast forward through a few weeks of IG DMs, emails, and texts and we set a date. I was going to come on and completely wreck her normally talented, insightful podcast with my incessant ramblings and love of reality tv gossip. (Which for the record, she has another podcast called Bach Cast so check that out HERE to catch up on the latest ABC reality drama and stay up to date when The Bachelor and Bachelorette are in season. It's GLORIOUS.)
Podcast Magic
As any normal self absorbed blogger is prone to do, I intended to try and maximize the exposure for this wild, chatty endeavor so I enlisted the help of the best photog babe in all of JAX (and Meghan's very first BABECAST guest ever) Kelly Martucci to capture all the fun. And luckily for you (and me both) she agreed to sit and be completely quiet and shoot away while we rambled about nonsense for over an hour to give you a little behind the scenes sneak peak of the fun that happens during a podcast.
BTS Recording
I don't know what you know about podcast recording but I'll share with you what I learned that day...and it's probably no where close to accurate but I'm giving you my tipsy version of the badassery I witnessed Meghan throw down that day.

1) Some Podcasts are Streamed Live, Some are Pre-Taped and Edited for Time and Content
That might be common knowledge to you, but some people (my husband being one of those people) didn't realize that not all podcasts are live streamed. He's far more intelligent than myself and listens to very important people talk about really boring but serious topics every day and the one he listens to frequently calls itself a podcast but I call it NPR lite. ;-) Meghan pre-tapes her segments with some radio magic, adds a little flair, and packages it up all pretty for you to hear.
2) If it Sounds like they are having fun, It's because they are legit having fun
You know how many times in life you've been out with your BFFs and think to yourself, "We really just need a reality show because what we are saying is super hilarious and people need to hear this,"?? Well recording and listening to podcasts will give you the same feeling. They are funny. They are fun. And they are the audio version of your chill conversations with your best gal pals that you wish you could share with people outside your inner circle.
Meghan's episodes (mine excluded, because we all know it's going to be off the rails) offer entertaining insight into some of the coolest chicks in and around Jacksonville and typically leave you so pumped up to go try something new or go find your new BFF. I've learned so much more about some of the supportive tribe of boss babes in and around Jacksonville by listening to Meghan's Babecast episodes.

3) No...You Can't Touch the Sound Board and Buttons
Podcasting may sound fun and easy but there is a WILD amount of work that goes into recording, packaging, and sharing these eargasms with you. As much as I'd love to tell you I could do what Meghan does THERE IS NO FLIPPING WAY I WOULD KNOW WHEN TO HIT RECORD, FADE OR STOP. (Are those even buttons, Meghan?) And she does all of this on top of her normal gig on the Morning Mess radio show. (Meaning this lady looks smoking hot every day at the same time some of you babes with slight ho tendencies might be going to bed...)
From a marketing and work standpoint for me, I am fascinated by all things audio these days. It is the best trend in the marketing/blogging/PR/influencer arena and I'M HERE FOR IT!
Support Your Local Radio Babes and Podcasts
DUH. You know I was going to say have to click the like, subscribe, share and review buttons on all of the hard work these babes are doing. Instead of wasting 2 minutes of your life watching a Kardashian IG story, hit up my girl on iTunes and leave a review. The more we listen, the more we give feedback - the better the show.
Click Here to Listen to the BABECAST featuring my nonsense on iTunes
Click Here to Listen to the BABECAST featuring me on WAPE online
The post made the IFB's LALM for the week of April 12th, 2018 - Don't forget to check out all the other features as well.
- LunaVida Blog: Casual & Converse | Cardigan + Tank + Skinny Jeans + Sneakers
- Fashion to Live: Sunday Fun Day in Tampa Heights
- Kintan Fashion: Hello Spring & Goodbye Winter
- Online Personal Stylist: 20 Sustainable Fashion Facts that Will Make You Shop Smarter!
- Online Personal Stylist: Simple Knitting Series: Learn How to Knit Without Needles in Just 5 Minutes!
- Posh & Spicy: Spring Wardrobe Guide - My Favorite Spring Items
- Style Diary by Osy: Floral Stamp: Here for Spring
- Suzanne Carillo: One Dress Three New Looks – Gingham For Spring
- The Borrowed Babes: MBabes on Babecast - An Inside Look at Podcast Recording with Meghan of WAPE 95.1
SPONSOR: Amazon's Shopbop MOTHER, Yumi Kim Dresses, Sincerely Jules Clothing, Sablyn, Mari Giudicelli, Simon Miller, Spring Clothing, Knit Sneakers, Bracelet Bags, Men's Veja

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