What's New in Newport - Life in 2018
I'm Not Dead...I'm Just Cold
So cold in fact, I've been wearing at least 3 layers pretty much 24/7 and there are often times I am unable to feel my toes. Which really isn't a huge ordeal because quite frankly I hate my UGLY toes so if I lost one...BYE FELICIA! (JK...obviously I lack balance and coordination as it looks now so losing a toe would only exacerbate that problem so I will be keeping my socks and shoes on at all times in the Newps in order to preserve what little dignity and coordination I have left to my name.)
But back to the issues at hand...life in Newport, dahlings.
What's New?
Obviously, moving is a BIG DEAL so it's been an adjustment. Between moving, work travels, holidays and life the struggle to keep up is intense. (I wanted to say real but I watch this "hip" show on Freeform and the kids say "The Struggle is Real" is not a thing anymore. So I guess I need to find a new way to be overly dramatic about little issues. If you have a fun new saying that we need to make work, like fetch, lemme know. I'm on that train so fast!) The best word I can use to summarize life, is cold. Everything is cold all the time. But it is also pretty. Very fun. And low key since I work from home now. (So long casual Fridays...Hello PJ Fridays.)
The Low Key Life
Working from home has been a new experience to me. I feel like my life is suddenly way less exciting because I don't commute to an office, pester my co-workers, and shovel cookies in my pie hole all day long. It's a mix of good and bad. For now, I am happy with it because no one wants me trying to get dressed and to an office on time in this weather.
As a result of my stay at home work, Sean and I chill at home most evenings. Catching up on Netflix and Food Network recipes. :-) #ADULTLIFE Oso is loving/hating the cold and snow. Loves the cold. Hates the snow. His little pup paws freeze. AND Yes, we've tried booties for the boy. He is not having any part of that. Anyone in a cold climate that has an idea, leave me a note below. My pup needs you!
Where to Go and What to Wear
Why haven't you seen as many posts from me recently?
1) My husband can't take a picture of me to save his life and also has zero patience.
BUT More so because
2) We haven't gone and done too many exciting things that required a solid look from me. (Well a blog worthy look anyway. I get dressed but I have on so many layers I look like an uncool lady version of the Stay Puff Marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. So no pics needed to document that look. I believe the proper fashion term is normcore, but I'm not trying be to Shia Lebouf so that will not be my claim to fame.)
Don't get me wrong...we have gone and explored a lot of things to do and see in Newport, RI including:
the Newport Boat Parade, Bowen's Wharf Tree Lighting, Gurney's Newport Lighthouse Lighting, an early screening of Jumanji the movie with my faves The Rock and Kevin Hart, eaten out at a few delicious places including Diego's, Benjamin's, & Midtown Oyster Bar, shopping downtown on Thames St., AND of course Christmas at the Newport Mansions. We could have gone to about 567 other things but we just didn't have enough time between unpacking, prepping for the holidays and me adjusting to the weather.
Outside of that we've been traveling a lot for work, a family wedding, and the holidays.
Work Travels
As I type this, I am in NYC for work because we are approaching our show season and travel will become more frequent. Look out world! You'll see a lot more excitement coming down the blog when this kicks into full time.
Upcoming Excitement
Keep following the blog and IG because we are working on some fun collabs for the Spring and my loving husband also purchased all new video equipment for me. SO WE ARE LAUNCHING THE VLOG soon. :-) The first few may be a little rough around the edges while I work on the kinks, but have patience. The insanity will be worth it.
The Few Fashion Details I Can Share
Obviously you don't come here to just read my nonsense...so the one adventure we did take to Gurney's I got myself dressed enough to be called average. :-) I'm sharing the details below because many of the pieces I am wearing are staples in my wardrobe here in Newport. Seriously, you will see me in at least one of these items every day. I have no shame in my cold weather clothing.

The Details
All items linked in images as well. These are my Newport staples at the moment.
Hat - Banana Republic Fedora | Here
Top - Gap Long Sleeve Tee | Here
Leggings - Spanx Essential Leggings | Here
Boots - Sorel | Here
Jacket - Theory from Rent the Runway | Here
Gloves - G.H. Bass | Here
If you are a winter diva and have any fashion suggestions, feel free to share!