Target - The Mothership of Shopaholics Anonymous
And yes, sometimes I do call it "Tarjay"...
because I'm fancy, bish.
And sometimes I pretend it's 2011 because in 2011 calling it "Tarjay" was cool, I was 30 pounds lighter, and my hair was thick and luscious on its own. But it's 2017 so I have to accept reality and the reality is Target can fix my last two issues because they sell everything, so #Blessed. That whole bringing "Tarjay" back into style will take someone way more hip than me.
See examples below - Me in 2011. Less weight. More hair. Definitely wearing items from Target in both pics.
Full Disclosure: The links in this post contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link.
Hi, I'm Stephanie and I'm a Targetholic.
Honestly, though, who isn't these days? Target is my jam. My mothership. I feel safe there. I go there when I've had a bad day. I go there when I've had a good day. I go there when I am bored, when I'm not bored, and when I'm too busy to actually be there but one is close in proximity so I. MUST. GO. I seem to find one wherever I go. I occasionally think that I'd like my husband and me to be like the Cracker Barrel couple that was recently in the news and make a record by being the first non-Target employee(s) to visit every Target in America. (That's a solid life goal, right?) I'm pretty sure I'm at least 1/3 of the way to that goal right now. He'd tell you we are least 2/3 of the way there as much time as he's spent in a Target waiting on me to decide what not to buy. (Because it's never a question of IF and WHAT to buy, it's a question of what I need to put back and not buy.)
The Struggle is Real
As mentioned above, it's not if I will find something to buy, it's more about what items I've found that I don't really need or have funds for that I need to put back on the shelf. (I take the same shopping route every trip to Target and it consists of two full laps around the store. One to find products I love and the second to put back the items I pulled on impulse that I don't I need another Easter bunny banner? Maybe. It's on sale. So Yes. Wait, no. Gahhhh, I don't know!) The definition of #FirstWorldProblems at its finest.
Target has mastered the art of selling everything I didn't know I needed but now WANT. They have clothes, house decor, snacks, wine, makeup, and dog squeakers. Among others, but these seem to be the products that make it home with me more than others.
Let's Be Serious
We all know the item that makes it way to my red cart equipped with a cup holder is most certainly clothing. I used to make the quip, "If I can't get it at Target, I don't need it." And although I do feel strongly that could be what ends up on my headstone when I finally kick it, I do purchase a solid chunk of items from retailers other than Target because I'm no spring chicken anymore and let's face it...sometimes I need a better quality sneaker for my baggy knees and squeaky hips.
You. Complete. Me.
BUT the clothing...whew. They get me. Every time. The photos above all highlight Target items mixed with other retailers and designers. The majority of them also have an item from RTR in them as well... mixing it up, Y'all! Once Target started their designer collabs a few years back, I thought my closet would burst at its seams. Clothing on point. In the last few years, they have rolled out what I consider one of the greatest Target clothing lines of all time...The Who What Wear Collection.
Who What Wear
If you haven't discovered the glory that is the Who What Wear Collection you are not shopping Target right. The Who What Wear Collection is a curated selection of clothing items that are trendy but effortlessly chic all at the same time. I have more Who What Wear in my closet than their own employees probably do, that's how much I love it. They are well made, quality pieces at affordable price points that fit a variety of body types and sizes. Their designs are stylish but are not outrageous. They have even added shoes and accessories to the line. (Shoes and Accessories not available at every Target, but definitely available online. For shoes, click here. For their fabulous accessories, click here.)
HERE IS THE BEST PART..are you sitting down? Everything is under $60. That's right. Sixty smackers. It's helpful to know that if you spot something on the rack you don't immediately have to deal with that deep seeded fear of turning the price tag over to reveal something that costs more than you make in a year. (Well let's be serious, Target doesn't sell anything that expensive, but there is a certain peace of mind knowing that great fashion is affordable.)
So What? Who Cares?
Why post about Target when we mostly discuss how to rent? Well, at some point you have to own some closet staples. Target's Who What Wear Collection are some of my favorite staple pieces in my everyday wardrobe.
The appeal for me is the high end feel without the price tag. (Did you catch that under $60 highlight above?) I am able to mix these items with pieces from Rent the Runway and it doesn't appear as if I am wearing something cheap and crappy. They also do a lot with their marketing and social to help those who have trouble figuring out how to style their items. The images online and in stores are extremely helpful at giving you cues for how to wear them and THEY NOW HAVE AN APP. (Free to download so get on that.)
The Who What Wear Collection also has its own Insta page. I draw lots of fabulous #OOTD inspo from their grid. They also do some seriously funny stories and share lots of great tips for shopping.
Our Favorites
One of my favorite items they do so well is pencil skirts. It seems easy, right? But so many people get it so wrong. At the moment, I own 4 different Who What Wear pencil skirts and am sweating their latest ones below. Pencil skirts are always in style and I love that they can be sexy or sophisticated all based on how you style them. Click the images to shop them online.
Onto the Next
Pants. As much as we sometimes object to wearing them at home, you can't leave the house without them. You can never go wrong with a great, stylish, comfortable pair of pants and Who What Wear has so many awesome ones. I love the variety of sizes and styles offered. I own two of the pair pictured below and you'd have to pry them off my dead body before I'd let you borrow them. Click the images to shop them online.
Dresses for ALL
Who doesn't love a dress? Dresses are the adult version of socially acceptable pajamas. Or being pantsless in public...but in a totally appropriate, non-creepy way. I love wearing dresses because I prefer them but it's also helpful when I'm in a rush and didn't decide ahead of time what to wear. One decision and done. Below are a few of my current favorites and feature a few that are on sale! Click the images to shop them online.
Top It Off
For my fun, trendy tops I alway shop Who What Wear. They fit well and you can mix and match with so many of their pieces. I own the sleeveless white top on the far right. It pairs well with so many things in my closet and I make it casual or dress it up for work. Click the images to shop them online.
The Best of the Rest
What's a wardrobe without fun shoes and accessories? For my trendy accessories, I turn to Target every time. They always have something fun to add to any ensemble and for the price you pay, they last quite awhile. (Just don't put 38 pounds of weight in a bag is that good.)
Wait, I can sense it...a Target is Near!
Yeah, maybe Target is a problem. Maybe it's not. Maybe I am about to head there right'll never know. All you need to know is the Who What Wear Collection doesn't last for long so shop it now. And shop it often.
P.S. - If you don't know about the fashion transition Target is making at the moment, subscribe to The Borrowed Blog. We are going to highlight some of the AMAZING new lines they are bringing in to replace your old best friends Mossimo & Cherokee. One of them, A New Day, launches next week! BUT, I've already done some digging for you and if you look hard enough (starting today) you'll see it in some stores already! Check our Insta Stories!
Post Updated August 25, 2017: Our story was featured in LALM this week. Be sure to read all of the other fabulous bloggers mentioned as well.
- Alicia Maria: Decjuba Wishlist
- Bebee by Ness Campagnaro: From The 'Tomb' To 'Trend' - The Art of Granulation in Jewelry Is Making A Comeback
- Girl in Betsey: A Busy Gal's Beach Day Essentials
- Five Foot Nothing Shopping: Petite Girl Romper Styling Tips
- Freedom of Style: Summer Florals
- Hampton Roads: Effortless | Easy A-Line Dress
- Have Clothes, Will Travel: 3 Whole Years of Blogging
- Middle of Somewhere: Two Ways to Style Distressed Jeans
- Mynt & Coco: Gingham Style
- Petite Dressing: Top 6 Wardrobe Staples for Stylish Petite Women
- Smile Is It: Perfect Jeans for Summer Time
- Sifa's Corner: Summer Refreshment with Spindrift Sparkling Water
- Style Pith: Two Ways to Wear Neck Warmers In The Summer
- The Borrowed Babes: Target - The Mothership of Shopaholics Anonymous BONUS! Shopbop is currently running an app promotion here for new customers: IFB members can exclusively take 15% off their first full-price app order with a code at checkout. Find the full details here:!
SPONSOR: Amazon's Shopbop R13, RE/DONE Tops, MCM Bags, Vedi Vero, Veronica Beard Jean, 6 Shore Road, Knit Tops, Drawstring Bucket Bags, Gold Earrings, Men's Scosha

Sisters with Style: The Babes Featured on Independent Fashion Bloggers Links á la Mode - August 17th